Jill’s Black Bean Brownies

This is my Mum’s recipe for super-healthy brownies. While you may think that the idea of a black-bean brownie is really bizarre, these really are the business! They are chewy, with a slightly crisp top, and are utterly delicious. I have to say that when my Mum told me she’d made brownies from black beans, I thought that she’d lost her marbles! Just goes to show that Mums always know best!

1 can black beans, drained and rinsed well

10 medjool dates, pitted

½ cup cocoa powder

1 teaspoon organic vanilla extract

¼ cup water

1½ teaspoon organic baking powder

1 flax egg

1. Preheat your oven to 175°C/350°F. Make the flax egg replacer by combining 1 tablespoon ground flax with 3 tbsp water; mix and set aside.

2. Take the drained beans, dates, cocoa powder, vanilla extract, and water and blend until smooth. If you are having trouble blending, add in 1-2 tablespoons more water until it is smooth.

3. Add in the flax egg and baking powder and blend again. Pour batter into a nonstick brownie pan (you can use a muffin pan as well) and bake for 20 minutes. Check at 20 minutes to see if the top is brown and slightly firm. If it is still very soft, continue baking 5 more minutes or until done.

4. Take brownies out of the oven and let rest for 20 minutes. Then cut, serve and enjoy!