Rainbow Salad

What happens when your favorite veggies join forces? Stunning color plus amazing nutrition and flavor! Use any vegetables you like in your own version and substitute freely. For easiest assembly, roast or steam your veggies for this salad earlier in the day—or even the day before.

Serves 1 or 2


1 to 2 cups fresh salad greens (red or green romaine, baby spinach, baby kale, radicchio, etc.)
½ cup roasted beets
½ cup shredded red cabbage
½ cup sliced grape tomatoes
½ cup sliced raw carrots
½ cup roasted butternut squash
½ cup steamed corn
½ cup steamed shredded Brussels sprouts
½ cup steamed green beans
½ cup roasted asparagus
½ cup steamed beet greens, kale, or Swiss chard
3 tablespoons oil-free hummus

Garnish: raw pistachios, pumpkin seeds, or fresh herbs

Dressing: splash of balsamic or flavored vinegar or freshly squeezed citrus juice

Place a bed of fresh greens at the bottom of a large bowl. Over the greens, arrange the other vegetables in circular fashion in the order of the rainbow.

Top with hummus. Garnish with your choice of herbs, nuts, or seeds. Dress as desired, and enjoy your creation!