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The Health Science Podcast | Episode 052. | November 09, 2023
053: America Goes Vegan with Glen Merzer
053: America Goes Vegan with Glen Merzer

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Glen Merzer’s journey into the realm of plant-based living began with a deeply personal catalyst: the health struggles of his family. Witnessing loved ones burdened by middle-aged ailments, including heart disease and obesity, Glen resolved to forge a different path.

His exploration led him to the transformative world of plant-based nutrition, a revelation that sparked his quest for a healthier, more vibrant life.

Glen’s plant-based vegan journey initially focused on health, but he later realized that, unbeknownst to him, continuing to eat cheese wasn’t a healthy choice. After 17 years of cutting down animal products, he finally swore off cheese entirely.

The Unexpected Advocate

As Glen delved deeper into the nuances of plant-based living, his perspective broadened. The journey that began as a pursuit for personal well-being expanded to encompass a profound empathy for animals and a deep concern for the environment. This evolution transformed Glen into an unexpected advocate, tirelessly championing the cause of the voiceless and the planet. His advocacy journey illustrates the interconnectedness of personal choices with global impact.

Penning Change

Glen Merzer’s advocacy journey found a unique expression in his role as an author. Through his compelling narratives, he became a beacon of change, inspiring countless others to reevaluate their choices.

His books, infused with passion and knowledge, served as guideposts for those navigating the intricate landscape of plant-based living and the vegan lifestyle. Glen’s words resonated with readers, sparking conversations and igniting curiosity about the profound connections between health, compassion, and environmental stewardship.

The Plant-Powered Pen

Glen’s books, enriched with his personal experiences and insights, became potent instruments of change. He is truly gifted at painting vivid pictures of the intertwined relationships between individual well-being, animal compassion, and environmental preservation. Through his literary works, he invited readers into a world where choices became catalysts for a kinder, healthier planet.

Contributing to works like Mad Cowboy with Howard F. Lyman; Own Your Health with Chef AJ and America Goes Vegan with Tracy Childs, these are only a few of the many books Glen has written and co-authored.

Episode Highlights

[02:00]             The journey to becoming vegan motivated by sick relatives.

[07:00]             Chest pains are a wake-up call to get rid of cheese from Glen’s diet.

[11:00]             The transformative impact of Mad Cowboy changes everything for Glen.

[14:00]             Convenient Truth reveals misinformation, lies and greed.

[20:45]             Eating our way into sickness and medications is not the solution.

[30:00]             Counting the “ills” caused by animal agriculture.

[31:30]             Human trafficking, pandemics, and other evils caused by factory farming.

[37:30]             The truth about cows and their origin.

[40:30]             From forests to deserts… the human creation of destruction.

[44:00]             There is nothing “so” hard about going vegan.

About Glen Merzer

Glen Merzer is a playwright, screenwriter, podcast host, and author. He has authored or co-authored twelve books with a vegan message.

Glen’s latest book is AMERICA GOES VEGAN!with over 120 vegan, gluten-free recipes by Tracy Childs. In the words of Dr. Neal Barnard: “This brilliant book presents the startling facts about the foods we eat, how they affect our health, and what they are doing to our planet, and it then shows us what to do to change things in the most delicious possible way. The nutrition information is solid, and every recipe is tantalizing and mouthwatering—and yet as familiar as a burger and pumpkin pie. I highly recommend it.”

Glen also wrote Food Is Climate: A Response to Al Gore, Bill Gates, Paul Hawken, & The Conventional Narrative on Climate Change, which argues that the only way to reverse climate change is to eliminate animal agriculture, rewild grazing land, and protect the oceans. Dr. Michael Klaper called Food Is Climate “the most important book of the 21st Century.”

Glen is also the author of Own Your Health, an examination of role of nutrition in health, told with humor and with personal anecdotes. Chef AJ contributed more than 75 recipes to the book.

Glen is also co-author of The Secrets to Ultimate Weight Loss and Unprocessed  and The Tenth Anniversary Edition of Unprocessed by Chef AJ. 

Glen is now the host of the new podcast, The Glen Merzer Show, which can be found on YouTube, and the audio version at all major podcast platforms and

Glen’s one novel is Off the Reservation, a political satire about a vegan congressman from the Midwest who runs for president. Off the Reservation was selected as one of the “Best Books of 2015–Indie” by Kirkus Reviews and one of “Our Favorite Books of 2015” by Progressive Magazine.

Glen grew up in Bellmore, N.Y., and attended New College of Florida in Sarasota. You can find him at

About Dr. Frank Sabatino

As a recognized authority on the benefits of a plant-based lifestyle, Dr. Frank Sabatino has cared for and inspired thousands of people for over 40 years. Dr. Sabatino has a PhD in cell biology and neuroendocrinology and has done extensive landmark research on calorie restriction, stress, and aging. He currently is on staff at the TrueNorth Health Foundation in Santa Rosa, CA, and serves as the Director of Health Education at the NHA.

Dr. Sabatino’s passion and life’s work include raising awareness about the benefits of whole-food, plant-exclusive nutrition (without added salt, oil, or sugar), health rejuvenation and stress management.

About NHA

The National Health Association (NHA), founded in 1948, is a nonprofit organization that promotes the benefits of a plant-based diet. The Association provides educational materials, educational events, and services to thousands of people around the world.

The mission of the National Health Association is to educate and empower individuals to understand that health results from healthful living. The NHA recognizes the integration of all aspects of health: personal, environmental, and social.

The NHA also provides travel experiences around the globe through the NHA Plant-Based Travel and cruise division.

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A unique benefit of the NHA Conference is the selection of two medical students who receive a full scholarship to the conference.

Contact Wanda Huberman for more information on how to apply for the scholarship.  [email protected]

NHA membership

For a very nominal investment, you can enjoy incredible benefits of the NHA membership.

Members of the NHA enjoy a subscription to the award-winning quarterly health journal, Health Science, access to the “Members Only” section of the NHA Website (which contains all 43 years of back issues of the magazine),  the ability to download for free many classic out of print eBooks on the history of the Natural Hygiene Movement, including Fasting Can Save Your Life and The Greatest Health Discovery, discounts on books, and early notice of the NHA events.

Only $35 a year for basic membership within the United States.

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