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Dr. Charles E. Page – Publications


Page, Charles E. (1879). The Successful Treatment of Typhoid Fever. Arena, vol. 6, 1879, pp. 476-486,$b200178&view=1up&seq=473. Accessed 8 Feb. 2024.

  • The current treatment for typhus is to have the patient swallow several ounces of milk every two or three hours, with occasional little nips of whiskey or brandy. Treating a fever with food is similar to using a drug, a harmful drug. He shares that during a fever. Gastric juice contains no hydrochloric acid, and therefore, the stomach is not able to digest it. When the fever leaves, the gastric juice becomes capable of digestion.
  • Dr. Page discusses that treatment should be just water. He shares that he’s tested on typhoid, Scarlet, and rheumatic fever and has always been satisfied. He found that removing food, drugs, and stimulants and substituting simple, fresh, soft water has produced results that seem almost miraculous.
  • He also shares how to treat a fever with a cold bath when it reaches between 101°F and 103°F. The bath is given at about 65°F, with the patient immersed to the chin for about 15 to 20 minutes. If the temperature is above 103°F, more time is required for the best effects, and the bath may be necessary several times a day. A cold pack on the body during the intervals between baths was essential. 
  • Dr. Paige asks, with the tremendous success that this treatment has had, why is it that today, the therapy is practiced by only a few individuals? He shares the obstacles of this practice. 10 pages
Having raised quite a few children, Dr. Page went on to write
How to Feed the Baby (A Nursery Guide).

Page, Charles. (1882). How to Feed the Baby (A Nursery Guide). New York: Fowler & Wells.

  • “Statistics prove that nearly out of three deaths are infants under one-year-old,” notes Dr. Page. He walks the reader through many aspects of baby care and feeding and the process of weaning, sharing case studies from birth. Also included are descriptions of health hints, the home and environment, and possible problems and treatments (e.g., constipation, continuous crying, etc.). The book is 197 pages long.

Page, Charles E.. (1883). The Natural Cure of Consumption, Constipation, Bright’s disease, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, “Colds” (fevers), etc. New York, Fowler & Wells. Internet Archive –

  • Dr. Page discusses holistically treating consumption, bright disease, croup, diphtheria, insomnia, rheumatism, and biliousness. He discusses the flesh-food fallacy, the use of fresh air and air baths, and saline solution due to losing essential elements. Moving on to food, he shares about using the entire grain of flour, fruit, a one-meal system, coffee, and the natural diet. 324 pages.

Page, Charles E. (1891). Pneumonia And Typhoid Fever: a Study. 4th ed., rev. Boston: Damrell, 1891. Hathitrust –

  • In this treatise, Dr. Page focuses on typhoid fever. However, he points out that the treatment for typhoid fever is the same for measles, scarlet fever, influenza, rheumatic fever, pneumonia, diphtheria, tonsillitis, and periodontitis. Basically, any acute disorder that presents a high temperature.
  • He shares that the cold-water treatment used in many hospitals in Germany has dramatically reduced the mortality rate for typhoid fever.
  • Using cold baths as treatment was not an accepted practice and was criticized. Objections to this protocol are presented.
  • Dr. Page discusses some of the impacts of current treatment methods and their impact. He shares how different the receipts are following hydrotherapy for any diseases that present with fever. 30 pages.

Page, Charles E. (1896). What Is Man’s Natural Food? The Dental Register V.50, vol. 50, 1896, pp. 509-511, Hathitrust- Accessed 8 Feb. 2024.

  • Dr. Page shares a natural human diet in this article in Dental Register. His focus is on fruits and nuts. The article is two pages long.

Page, Charles E. (1898-1899). Physiological Treatment. St. Louis Medical Gazette, vol. v.1 no.6; v.2 no.3-5, pp. 8-17, Accessed 8 Feb. 2024.

  • Dr. Page shares in this article that the rise of the homeopathist has been due to the growing distrust among people of the virtues of drugs.
  •  He discussed some of the current practices, such as force-feeding fever patients, which was the universal practice. He went on to share some of the physiological treatments of the hygienic physician, using hot and cold water, internally and externally, in the form of baths, packs, douches, etc.
  • He discusses that medicines are usually expected and demanded by patients. He shares the use of placebos (unmedicated sugar pellets) but, in reality, focuses on lifestyle changes for the patient. 9 pages.

Page, Charles E. (1899). On the Present Craze for Cutting: A Plea for Conservatism in Surgery. St. Louis Medical Gazette, April 1899, pp. 229 – 234. St. Louis: C.R.H. Davis., Accessed 8 Feb. 2024.

  • Dr. Page shares the history of 7 women who were afflicted with severe uterine disease and recommended treatment of surgery to remove the diseased organ. The process “promised” the only hope for a fair measure of health and comfort. Of the seven women, six underwent surgery, and one opted not to have the surgery and underwent hydrotherapy. She went on to have two healthy children. 
  • He goes on to share illustrations of skillful physiological treatment over surgery. He questions whether restoring health while maintaining the organism intact rather than by mutilation is not worth it.
  • Dr. Page shares several case studies of patients successfully healed without surgery. 5 pages.

Page, Charles E. (1899). Physiological, Or Rational, Treatment for Typhoid Fever. St. Louis Medical Gazette, May, 1899, pp. 521-534. St. Louis: C.R.H. Davis., Accessed 8 Feb. 2024.

  • Dr. Page starts with a quotation from an article in the medical journal: “Cold bath treatment in typhoid fever is essentially cruel, barbaric, and dangerous.” However, the use of hydrotherapy has reduced mortality and typhoid fever from over 20% to less than a 4% death rate. In some private practices in Germany, it was less than one percent.
  • In Dr. Page’s opinion, it is impossible to overestimate the importance of withholding all food and offering only soft water until the patient is convalescent, hungry, and fever-free. He discusses how people with extremely high temperatures lack all the dissolving juices. In place of digestion, we have only fermentation, putrescence, and blood poisoning from food that cannot be digested. He discusses successful cases using hydrotherapy. 13 pages.

Page, Charles E. (1899). Pneumonia: Point on Treatment. Health [a Monthly Devoted to the Cause and Cure of Disease], vol. 7, 1899, pp. 8-17, Accessed 8 Feb. 2024.

  • Dr. Page discusses pneumonia. Under the prevailing plan, the current treatment is one of the most fatal. He points out that all that is necessary is to cool the engorged blood vessels of the lungs and return them to their normal size. He also states that you should hold food until the crisis and fever have passed. The cooling employs a cold compress placed over the chest and constantly freshened. Massage of the chest muscles, with a compress in position, is of great value in favoring the expansion of the chest.
  • Dr. Page discusses three practices that he condemns: 1) forced feeding, 2) drugging with alcohol, opiates, etc., and 3) putting hot poles over hot lungs, which he compares to trying to cool a hot poker in a bit of coal. He further shared that soft water and fresh air are the only nourishment required. 9 pages.
McKinley Assassination

President McKinley was shot.  Dr. Pages discusses in the journal
Physical Culture his recovery after surgery and analyzes why he died.

Page, Charles E. (1902). The Lesson of the Late President’s Case. Physical Culture, vol. 6-7, 1902, pp. 52-54. Accessed 8 Feb. 2024.

  • On Friday, September 16, 1901, President McKinley was shot. Everything pointed hit to his recovery after surgery. Dr. Page shares that for the first four days, he was given water only, and his improvement amazed us all. However, the attending physicians did not leave well enough alone. They were inexperienced in therapeutic fasting, and the patient’s rapid progress deceived them. He was then given food consisting of toast, chicken, broth, and coffee. Later in the day, it became evident that the breakfast disagreed with the president. A calomel purge (a form of mercuric chloride that worked as a laxative in small doses but usually was prescribed in large quantities to purge the system) was administered. This treatment did not go well, and stimulants were given with a temporary effect. The following day, the president had a sinking spell. He was then administered digitalis, which can cause digitalis toxicity in the body and stop the heart. He died of heart failure. 3 pages.

Page, Charles E. (1902). Revolt of the Anti-Compulsory Vaccination in Boston. Physical Culture, vol. 6-7, 1902, pp. 18-20. Accessed 8 Feb. 2024.

  • This article discusses the present struggle between the pro-vaccination and the petitioners for the repeal of the compulsory clause of the Massachusetts vaccination law. Dr. Page describes that the health board, once they had a considerable number of cases of smallpox, proceeded to fight it by afflicting as many people as possible with cowpox. They got companies involved and forced them to become vaccinated, on penalty of dismissal. To counteract this, the Massachusetts Anti-compulsory Vaccination Society was formed, and a bill was prepared and sent to legislation to repeal the compulsory clause.
  • Dr. Page described how, instead of enforcing vaccinations, they raised an army of inspectors and sent them throughout the city with the power to cleanse. The tenant houses were inspected carefully. The city was made clean, free of dust heaps, garbage, and foul-smelling water closets, and instructions were given to people to let in air and sunshine, followed by a thorough cleansing of beds, clothes, and underclothes. The result was just what one would expect; smallpox completely vanished and is not showing anymore in Cleveland. 2 pages.

Page, Charles E. (1902). Where Does Hygiene Lead Us With Reference to the Matters of Prevention of Cure of Disease? Physical Culture, vol. 6-7, 1902, pp. 164-165, Accessed 8 Feb. 2024.

  • Dr. Page discussed that allopathically trained physicians are teaching their patients a reliance on drug poisons for the cure of diseases. However, these substances are universally known to be harmful, even deadly to the well, but given to the sick.
  • Many people turn to surgeons when they are sick, who perform unnecessary surgeries when skillful hygienic treatment could quickly restore them to sound health. He goes on to share case studies. 2 pages.

Page, Charles E.(1902-1903). Needless Operations. Physical Culture, vol. 8-9, 1902, pp. 31-32, Accessed 8 Feb. 2024.

  • Dr. Page shares that one man goes to the hospital for treatment of appendicitis and dies from the operation. However, another person calls a hydrotherapist and is speedily cured. He shares a case using hydrotherapy and the person’s recovery. 2 pages.

Page, Charles E.(1902-1903). Random Shots at the Unnaturalists: Hygienic Vs. Unhygienic Methods. Physical Culture, vol. 8-9, 1902, pp. 108-110, Accessed 8 Feb. 2024.

  • Dr. Page shares statistics from typhoid fever until 1899. During the previous 78 years, the death rate was about 12.75% for the first 38 years. It climbed to 15.5% over the next 40 years. When a physiological or natural hydrotherapy treatment and therapeutic fasting are used, the expected death rate for typhoid fever is not above 5%.
  • He discusses the allopathic treatment of several people, including President Garfield, President McKinley, and the president’s son, Teddy Roosevelt. 2 pages.
Dr. Pages focuses on the treatment of Pope Leo XIII in the Physical Culture publication Lessons of the Pope’s Sickness.

Page, Charles E. (1903). Lessons of the Pope’s Sickness. Physical Culture, vol. 10, 1903, pp. 290-292, Accessed 8 Feb. 2024.

  • Dr. Pages focuses on the treatment of Pope Leo XIII, who died in 1903 at 93. While he was in general good health, he contracted a cold. It progressed, and he was given allopathic treatments such as digitalis, strychnine, caffeine, and chloral. He was forced to eat, even in the face of no appetite or nausea, until he was plagued with diarrhea. When attempting to give restoratives, he couldn’t swallow and was continually injected with stimulants. He was deprived of water and very little fresh air. 2 pages

Page, Charles E. (1903). Another View of the Bathing Problem. Physical Culture, vol. 10, 1903, pp. 419-420, Accessed 8 Feb. 2024.

  • Being adverse to warm baths, douches, or the use of soap, Dr. Page shares his concerns. He feels that warm baths denude the skin of its outer tissues. Soap dissolves the boy’s oils and its protection to the skin. He thinks skin is a self-cleaning organ requiring air, brushing, or coarse toweling. Skin is also a breathing organ and should have free access to air at some point during the day. He ends the article with a discussion on clothing. 2 pages.

Page, Charles E. (1903). Climate, Clothing, and Suicides. The Dietetic & Hygienic Gazette, vol. 10, no. 19 19-3, 1903, pp. 726-729, .

  • Dr. Page shares that more suicides occur in the summer when people are eating meat, tea, coffee, and other stimulants. These foods, which produce acids, bear a distinct causative relation to suicide.
  • He shares that when groups of people were forced to wear clothing (e.g. Spanish converting Indians to Christianity), they began to die off with pulmonary troubles. 3 pages.

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