1840: Charles Edward Page was born on February 23 in Norridgewock, Maine, to John Calvin Page and Fanny Adams Gould. He received his early education in local public schools and was further educated at the Eclectic Medical College in New York City.
1861: When the Civil War erupted, Charles enlisted as a private in the 13th Massachusetts Volunteers.
1863: Page was captured by Confederates at Brazier City and was held as a prisoner of war for thirteen months. He was exchanged in 1864.
1865: After the war, he resumed his professional practice and resided in Boston. Page practiced hydrotherapy and was associated with the physical culture movement. He was an early advocate of therapeutic fasting.
1866: Marrying Harriette L. Hopkins on 1 November in Portland, Maine, they became the parents of one son and two daughters. Harriet died in 1873.
1879: Dr. Page wrote The Successful Treatment of Typhoid Fever, discussing the current allopathic treatment for typhus and comparing it to his water-only protocol. He shares that he tested on various fevers (typhoid, Scarlet, and rheumatic fever) and has always seen incredible results. He found the withdrawal of food, drugs, and stimulants and the substitution of fresh, soft water produced results that seemed miraculous.
1882: Having raised quite a few children, Dr. Page went on to write How to Feed the Baby (A Nursery Guide). He shares the statistics that nearly one out of three deaths were infants under the age of one year. His objective was to educate parents through the many aspects of the care and feeding of a baby, the process of weaning, and a discussion of case studies from birth. Also included were descriptions of health hints, preparation of the home environment, and possible problems and treatments (e.g., constipation, continuous crying, etc.).
1883: In his book, The Natural Cure of Consumption, Constipation, Bright’s disease, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, “Colds” (fevers), etc., Dr. Page discusses how to treat consumption, bright disease, croup, diphtheria, insomnia, rheumatism, and biliousness holistically. He discusses the flesh-food fallacy using fresh air, air baths, and saline solution. Moving on to food, he discusses using the entire grain of flour, fruit, a one-meal system, coffee, and a natural diet.
1889: Charles married Jenna Day Adams on the 24th of September. They had six children (Margaret, Charles Jr, Harold, Kenneth, Sherwood, and Norman).
1891: Dr. Page wrote Pneumonia And Typhoid Fever, focusing on how to treat and cure typhoid fever. However, he points out that the treatment for typhoid fever is the same for measles, scarlet fever, influenza, rheumatic fever, pneumonia, diphtheria, tonsillitis, and periodontitis—basically, any acute disorder that presents a high temperature. Dr. Page discusses some of the impacts of current treatment methods and shares tremendous results from following hydrotherapy for any diseases that present with fever.
1925: Charles died in Massachusetts, United States, at the age of 86 and was buried in Wyoming Cemetery, Melrose, Massachusetts.