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The Health Science Podcast | Episode 006. | December 22, 2022
006: Plant-Based Lifestylist is Fit, Vibrant, and Energized at 79 with Linda Middlesworth
006: Plant-Based Lifestylist is Fit, Vibrant, and Energized at 79 with Linda Middlesworth

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While most people begin slowing down long before they need to, Linda Middlesworth will likely never fall behind. At nearly 79 years old, Linda is an inspiration to men and women everywhere.

While most people begin slowing down long before they need to, Linda Middlesworth will likely never fall behind. At nearly 79 years old, Linda is an inspiration to men and women everywhere.

Living a plant-exclusive lifestyle for over 34 years, Linda beat cancer, heart disease, prediabetes, and obesity.

By making this change, she lost over 50 pounds. As a result, she has made it her mission to inspire as many people as possible to live as healthfully as possible by eating a plant-exclusive diet.

In this episode, you will experience the passion Linda has for the plant-exclusive lifestyle as she and host, Dr. Frank Sabatino, dig deep into healthy eating, animal compassion and growing younger as we age.

Episode Highlights

[03:00] Where Linda’s plant journey began

[06:00] Leaving her doctor speechless

[10:00] Taking a leap of faith in spite of the C word

[14:50] Becoming the Vegan Mentor

[19:00] Meeting people where they are at

[24:30] Starting V-Dog, vegan dog food company

[28:30] What really goes on in factory farms

[33:00] Children are being desensitized to the pain animals go through

[36:50] Becoming the caretakers we should be

More About Linda Middlesworth

Linda Middlesworth created the Sacramento Vegan Society in 2008 which now has 5,200 members.

She wanted a way to build a community of people who share goals of healthy eating, animal protection and planet survival. 

Her passion for this lifestyle is not limited to only the food. She is also incredibly passionate about physical activity and is an aerobics instructor for CA Family Fitness where she teaches cardio and weight training classes. She is also a Certified Personal Trainer, AFFA.

Linda is an event organizer for Get Healthy Sacramento, Go Healthy LIVE, Go Compassionate LIVE and Go Sustainable LIVE featuring doctors and leaders in health, animal advocacy and climate change.

Linda is a Food for Life Nutrition and Cooking Instructor for Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine founded by Dr. Neal Barnard. Her PCRM classes focus on Cancer Prevention and Survival and Diabetes Prevention and Reversal.

Professionally, Linda is recognized as the VeganMentor (

Linda helps people transition to a plant exclusive diet and a vegan lifestyle. She provides a 30-Day Vegan Health Watch Program for individuals whereby she coaches and monitors their food for 30 days to help them lose weight if needed and to find their path to optimal health.

Regardless of where they are on the path to wellness, Linda helps them make healthy, plant-based food choices. A highlight of the program is a tour of Sacramento Natural Foods Coop to help her clients find the healthiest products available.  

As if that’s not enough, Linda co-founded , a plant exclusive, nutritious dog food company.  After extensive research and studies to show that dogs can thrive on a plant exclusive diet, they launched v-dog in 2005. 

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About Dr. Frank Sabatino

As a recognized authority on the benefits of a plant-based lifestyle, Dr. Frank Sabatino has cared for and inspired thousands of people for over 40 years. Dr. Sabatino has a PhD in cell biology and neuroendocrinology and has done extensive landmark research on calorie restriction, stress, and aging. He currently is on staff at the TrueNorth Health Foundation in Santa Rosa, CA, and serves as the Director of Health Education at the NHA.

Dr. Sabatino’s passion and life’s work include raising awareness about the benefits of whole-food, plant-exclusive nutrition (without added salt, oil or sugar), health rejuvenation, stress

About NHA

The National Health Association (NHA), founded in 1948, is a nonprofit organization that promotes the benefits of a plant-based diet. The Association provides educational materials, educational events, and services to thousands of people around the world.

The mission of the National Health Association is to educate and empower individuals to understand that health results from healthful living. The NHA recognizes the integration of all aspects of health: personal, environmental, and social.

The NHA also provides travel experiences around the globe through the NHA Plant-Based Travel and cruise division.

More information:


A one-of-a-kind experience, the annual NHA Conference features top leaders in the plant-based movement. Attendees of the in-person event enjoy 100% no SOS plant-exclusive meals.

To learn more and reserve your spot, visit


A unique benefit of the NHA Conference is the selection of two medical students who receive a full scholarship to the conference.

Contact Wanda Huberman for more information on how to apply for the scholarship. [email protected]

NHA membership

For a very nominal investment, you can enjoy incredible benefits of the NHA membership.

Members of the NHA enjoy a subscription to the award-winning quarterly health journal, Health Science, access to the “Members Only” section of the NHA Website (which contains all 43 years of back issues of the magazine),  the ability to download for free many classic out of print eBooks on the history of the Natural Hygiene Movement, including Fasting Can Save Your Life and The Greatest Health Discovery, discounts on books, and early notice of the NHA events.

Only $35 a year for basic membership within the United States.

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