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Mary Gove Nichols
December 29, 2021
Mary Gove Nichols


Mary Gove Nichols was one of the most influential women in America. She was a radical social reformer and a pioneering feminist who promoted good health through Graham’s principles and healing through Hydropathy.

After hearing Sylvester Graham’s lecture on his crusade for health, Mary instantly began following his lifestyle. Grahamites, as they were called, limited their diets, had strict mealtimes, avoided meat, spices, and condiments, abstained from tea, coffee, or alcohol, breathed fresh air, and bathed regularly.

Mary and Thomas Low Nichols founded the American Hydropathic Institute to teach the principles of water therapy and Graham’s lifestyle. Men AND women were equally accepted and, upon graduation, awarded a medical degree. The American Hydropathic Institute was one of the first programs in the country to award a medical degree to women.

Mary was part of the beginning of the Hygienic movement, which became the foundation of the National Health Association. 


“Women have acted for so long and have little idea of independent action. The public puts its mold upon us, and we come out as nearly alike as peas. My remedy for all this slavery of women is for her to begin to judge and act for herself. She should not be the victim of man or false public opinion.”

From The Greatest Health Discovery. Graham, S., Trall. R., Shelton, H.
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